Credwn mewn datblygu hunanddisgyblaeth ein disgyblion, o ganlyniad mae’r holl gymuned yr ysgol yn gweithredu mewn modd adferol. Byddwn yn hyfforddi’r
disgyblion o’r cychwyn cyntaf i ddangos parch ac empathi at eraill, boed yn gyfoedion neu’n oedolion. Trwy esiampl yr athrawon byddant yn dysgu bod yn gwrtais ac ystyried teimladau eraill.
Byddwn yn dathlu ymddygiad da trwy gynnal gwasanaethau arbennig a rhoi sticeri clod.
Weithiau bydd ambell ddisgybl yn ei gweld hi’n anodd cadw at ddisgwyliadau’r ysgol ar adegau fel hyn defnyddir dulliau adferol er mwyn trwsio unrhyw berthynas sydd wedi torri lawr. O bryd i’w gilydd bydd angen cymryd camau disgyblu i’w helpu i gydymffurfio.
Os bydd yr ysgol yn poeni am ymddygiad unrhyw ddisgybl byddwn yn cysylltu â’r rhieni/gwarcheidwaid er mwyn cydweithio i ddatrys y broblem.
We believe that it is essential for pupils to develop self discipline, in light of this the whole school community works in a restorative way. From the beginning pupils will be taught to respect and show empathy to others, peers and adults alike. Through the example set by the staff they will learn to be courteous and considerate of other people’s feelings.
We celebrate appropriate behaviour by holding special assemblies and rewarding
pupils with stickers.
Occasionally some pupils will find it difficult to comply with the rules, during these times we use restorative strategies to help fix any relationships that might have broken down. Occassionally steps will need to be taken to help that pupil conform.
If the school has any concerns over a pupil’s behaviour we will contact the parents in order to work together to overcome any difficulties.